I'm back to the SpaRitual Truth Collection today with Enightened Soul, a crayon yellow creme. I don't know what, if anything, it's a dead-on match to, but I know there a lot of basic yellow cremes available. What makes Enlightened Soul special amongst them is that it only took two coats to be good, while yellows are usually a huge PITA and often require more. I think RBL Yellow Fever is a two-coater, but it costs twice as much. The application of Enlightened Soul was also very good - the polish is very easy to control.
SpaRitual Enlightened Soul Nail Polish, Two Coats |
I rarely wear yellow alone, it's usually a base for Konad. Since my new Konad plates got here from WowSoCool, I tried out a couple of patterns from plate m83.
Konad Plate m83 over SpaRitual Enlightened Soul |
Now it's more fun! The stamp on my ring nail is just one big stamp, and I painted the little bird blue and the rest red before scraping the pattern to get two colors in it.
That's the scoop for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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