Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

yeah i got tagged

a big thank you to http://beautyshades.blogspot.com for tagging me on this award. check out her blog she's got a lot of cool swatches and nail arts. again thank you you're such a doll. kisses

There are some rules that goes along with this award:
1. Thank and link back to who gave you the award (check out their blogs above)
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award it to 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them about this award

Here are the 7 things about me

1. i'm so damn obsessed with WINNIE THE POOH and right now my collection for pooh stuffs has started to grow bigger.

2. i got SEVERE INSOMIA which is really bad because it weakens my immune system a lot.

3. i'm a PICTURE FREAK well who isn't? i love camera and i love taking pictures a lot. whenever depression attacks, my camera is my best friend and it really do helps me a lot.

4. i love playing LOGICAL GAMES such as sudoku, rubics cube, puzzles and a lot more. 

5. i'm a CERTIFIED KIKAY  but i also love to dress like a man. i wanted to see myself as a man and sometimes i even acted as one and DIE-HARD DESIGNER my room has no permanent arrangement and style i always find my self rearranging it and making new styles, i cut my old shirts and pants and make a new design out of it and a lot more. is so damn love ART.


7. i've got a SPECIAL GIFT from God and when i say SPECIAL it is indeed SPECIAL (like seeing things before it actually happens)

here are some of the great bloggers that i just met
since i'm new in blogging i can't award this to 15 great bloggers for i only got a few and some already had this award (and i think some of the blogs that i tagged had already received this award)

again thank you for this award.

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