Monday, August 22, 2011

Spring flowers

Hi ladies~ Sorry for the brief absence, I'm still struggling through my pile of assignments! Why is it that they never end? :( I still haven't painted my nails - it's moving onto two weeks of naked nails now, woah! And so this post features a mani from the good old vault :)

I started off with two coats of China Glaze Re-fresh mint. I then used my dotting tool for the white dots (Ulta3 lily white) and mixed Ulta3 silver pink with lily white to create the pink flowers on my accent nails. Placed some rhinestones and pearls and voilà, spring flower look complete. It's not quite spring here yet, but hey, I can look forward to it, yes? :P

spring flowers1

spring flowers2

I'm hoping to get back into the rhythm of posting more often once this hectic week ends. Meanwhile, have a look at my Blog Birthday giveaway ^^


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