Friday, September 9, 2011

Graphic Design: Final Major Project.

I knew my blog was missing something! Its 3months late but I've finally remembered to make a post about one of the biggest things that I did this year. 

As some of you may or may not know, I was studying at Ravensbourne between September-June, on a Foundation course in Art & Design. Not surprisingly I was on the Graphics pathway, I loved the course, I loved the people & I loved the college! 

My final major project was based around the theme of dreams. I went through many of ups & downs with my project, I wanted to change the whole project halfway through, I lacked motivation & in the end I ran out of time. However, I did manage to come up with something for my final outcome & I did manage to finish it although I was missing a lot of the prep work. I didn't get the grade that I wanted but to be honest, I got the grade that I deserved, I could have done so much better but that is what I get for always leaving things until the last minute!

At the start of the project I wanted my final outcome to be informational, in the end my final outcome was an illustration lol. I could go into details but I won't, here are some photos!

This is my final outcome mounted onto a screen for the exhibition. Its not a great photo but its better than nothing I guess. So yeah its a hand-cut illustration, A0 size (nearly as big as me haha). I could have easily laser cut it like a lot of people have said to me but I wanted to hand cut it, it is what makes this piece a tad bit more "special" lol. It took 7 1/2 hours to piece a design together, then I spent another 5 1/2 hours to trace the design out again because I wanted a back up copy and then the actual cutting took about 20 hours. Backing the piece was a pain, I couldn't find any A0 size black cartridge paper anywhere so I had to cut the paper from a massive roll & then spray paint it. I messed it up whilst backing it too (bottom left) but owell! 
In the end I completed it & thanks to my little friend the Jakar Precision Craft Swivel Knife, I cut everything with that little thing & I went through many blades haha.

A few close-ups.

Work in progress.

As extras for the exhibition I designed some minicards with information on my piece & some stickers then ordered them from MOO.

I could go into details about my piece but I won't. I just thought I'd share this because it is kinda the highlight of my academic year. I will no longer be studying at Ravensbourne although I really did love being there, I chose to do my degree somewhere else for certain reasons but I'm glad I had a chance to study at a lovely place. I'm starting my degree next month so I'll be posting more design related stuff then!


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